Simple and Easy Skincare for Indian Summer

skincare for summer-coffeetabletalks

Contrary to the conventional belief, summers are NOT harsh on the skin.Proper skincare can do wonders.

The seasonal transition from winter to summer can take a toll on the skin but the weather itself can benefit us, if we change our skincare regime accordingly.

The time of spring or pre-summer is best to adapt a brand new skin care routine to prep for the oncoming summer.
Summers usually mean plenty of sun exposure and warmth, it means stocking up on Vitamin D and sweating naturally.

The former will strengthen our bones while the latter will detox!

To make the best use of this let’s reflect on the optimum skincare we must follow.

1) Adequate Liquid Intake

It has been mentioned almost a zillion times now; water is our best friend, especially in the heated tropical climate.

To induce with vitamins and minerals, opt for fresh fruit juices, smoothies, coconut water, and fresh lime and avoid aerated drinks. Your skin guaranteed will remain naturally hydrated and the body temperature will be regulated.

2) Fresh Fruits and Salad

The acidic and alkaline imbalance can leave the skin feeling blemished disturbing the digestive system.

Avoid deep fried and heavy spices; rather include fresh fruits, salads with vinegar or lime dressing.

They will improve the pH balance, leaving a natural glow on the skin.

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Fresh fruits-coffeetabletalks source–

3) Cleansing, Toning and Moisturising

The accumulation of swear and dust is an unfavourable combination for the skin.

Follow the 3 step routine of C-T-M diligently without fail. Preferably use a clinical cleanser, an alcohol free toner and light weight moisturizer.

Though many skip moisturizing, it is an essential step, for those with oily skin opt for extremely fine moisturizer that won’t clog the pores.


4) Lightweight and Waterproof SPF

It is a given that your skin will sweat and it is essential to rather use a sunscreen that can withstand external humidity.

Depending on your skin tone and your tendency to tan opt for a suited SPF from trusted brand.

Waterproof and lightweight will ensure that your skin remains protected. Reapply every 2 to 3 hours.


5) Hair care

The body is naturally heated and the sweat glands is active.

Rather than having the oil from your hair set on to your skin, go for a hairstyle that is pulled back and away from the face. Shorter hair, ponytails, hairbands all work well.

Use a mild shampoo to keep the hair clean and healthy.


6) Lip care

Lip care is as essential as skin care. The Lip is self moisturiser . They need external application every 2 hours to remain supple.

The lip balm and sticks have SPF. They  protect the lips from sun exposure and chapping.


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7) Exfoliation

Exfoliation is an essential to get rid of accumulated dead skin cells.

You can either prepare a homemade scrub or buy one off the shelf. Those with acne prone skin can avoid the drill though.

8) Minimal Make – up

Make up that isn’t cream will work better for all skin types.

Prepare a set of essentials and base make up that is preferable for the summer season.

Ideally dispose the make up after a period of five to six months.

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Summers are really good, lets be kind to it. So what is your summer most essential tip for all of us. Drop in a comment and share with us the that one tip you would never fail to follow.

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